CPF scams: don’t let your customers fall for it!

CPF scams

To fully understand the challenge of these scams , it is important to take stock of the training courses that can be financed by the Personal Training Account.

The objective of the CPF is indeed to enable employees to benefit from certification , diploma or qualifying training. The  Future law of September 5, 2018  establishes the list. Are thus concerned:

Training courses registered with the  RNCP (national directory of professional certifications).

Training recorded in  the specific directory (RS)  , i.e. certifications and authorizations corresponding to complementary professional skills: electrical authorizations, CACES, TOEIC, etc.

Certificates of professional qualification ( CQP ), set up in professional branches

VAE  support  (validation of acquired knowledge and experience)

Support and training actions for business creation and takeover

Other criteria are also added, such as the need to inform your client of the conditions and methods of evaluation to which he will be subjected at the end of his training.

What are these CPF scams all about? 

We commonly talk about CPF scams but what exactly are they? What are the consequences for the employees who are victims? We will explain everything to you !

CPF scam modus operandi

CPF scams bring together different realities that can range from aggressive commercial technique to identity theft or hacking the CPF account. They are carried out both by unscrupulous training organizations and by real crooks.

The goal? sell a maximum of useless or non-compliant training courses, collect payment for training courses that do not exist, etc.

How do they proceed?

Technique of phishing (or fishing).  Frequently used, it consists of contacting its target by telephone, SMS or email by posing as a trusted official body: Pôle emploi, Caisse des dépôts, MonCompteFormation… The malicious organization then asks the person to communicate to it identifiers: social security number, password, email. With this information, he can then “use” at leisure on the victim’s CPF.

Hacking of  login credentials, especially on insecure passwords

Aggressive pressure and canvassing . Here, unscrupulous training organizations play on alleged emergencies: end of DIF registration on June 30, 2021, CPF balance which will soon expire, etc. The goal is to force the employee to quickly enroll in training that he does not necessarily need, that does not certify, or even does not exist. However, remember that the CPF balance is accessible for life, that it does not expire and that there is therefore no urgency in the matter.

Consequences for victimized employees

Depending on the technique used, the consequences of these scams are different for the victims:

Theft of CPF credit : registration for non-existent training, account hacking, etc. The employee is debited with a CPF credit that he has not used.

Existing training but of no interest to the employee, which does not correspond to his needs.

Training without delivery of a professional certificate.

Beyond these practical aspects, it is also the entire confidence of employees in training organizations and in vocational training in general that is called into question. Subsequently, they are therefore likely to be particularly suspicious of trainers, or even to turn away from vocational training altogether.

Hence the importance of highlighting your role of advice and information.

What can you do as a training organization?

As an independent trainer or training organization your role is not only to train. Expert in professional training, you have your place in informing and advising your customers and prospects. How ? What interest ? We explain to you.

Scams that surf on ignorance of the device

Most victims fall into the trap of scammers or malicious training organizations because they do not know enough about the device: how is the personal training account funded? How to use it ? For what training? Does it have a validity period? etc The notion of urgency is, for example, one of the favorite arguments of crooks. However, as we mentioned above, the CPF balance has no expiration date.

Information of your customers and prospects on the use of the CPF

It is therefore important to communicate with your customers and prospects on the use of the CPF. On the form, the means are not lacking: blog article on your website, a newsletter, a post on social networks, etc.

Good practices and elements of vigilance to avoid scams (golden information for your customers!). Here are some key tips:

No organization contacts people by phone or SMS about the CPF. Do you receive a call from the Caisse des Dépôts, Pôle Emploi, or the Minister of Labor in person? A “hello-goodbye” and we hang up!

Never give your CPF credentials to a third party

Need a hand to use your CPF, choose the right training? It is possible to contact a professional development counselor . The assurance of having reliable, relevant and guaranteed scam-free information!

Emergency procedure in case of doubt or if the usernames and passwords have been communicated to a third party

Remedy in case of scam. For the victims of these practices, all is not lost. The rights used fraudulently can indeed be recredited by the Caisse des dépôts. To report a scam or a dubious commercial approach, it is possible to make a report on the  site  or the mobile application My Training Account.

Why act as a training actor? 

By informing your customers and prospects about this issue, you really pose as a training professional and show your added value.

Ultimately, this allows you to retain your customers , convert your prospects , set you apart. You position yourself as a true trusted partner.

To prevent malicious OFs from stealing the budget of your customers or prospects (and to become a bit of their superhero), don’t hesitate to do some pedagogy. Show your expertise and know-how by communicating regularly on the various training systems in general and on the CPF in particular.



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